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Oct 14, 2022 3:08 PM ET

My name is David and I am 25 years old. I'm from England. My hometown is Bristol. I am currently writing my doctoral thesis in physics. I am single and have no children. I am 1.80m tall and weigh 75kg. I have medium brown hair, I'm slim and my eyes are light blue. I wear contact lenses and sometimes glasses as I am nearsighted. I am computer savvy and I help friends and family when they have problems with their computer. In my free time I meet up with friends and we mostly play board games and watch movies together. I'm a big fan of "Game of Thrones". I'm not very sporty but I ride my bike everywhere. When I have finished my doctoral thesis, I would like to apply for a position at a university abroad. I live in a nice and bright two bedroom flat not far from Piccadilly train station. So if I want, I can quickly take a trip by train. In addition, the airport is not far away. I think that's particularly good, as I often have to attend conferences abroad.

Tags:   German, United States, Wire